NEVA Discover: Optimize Your Processes Based on Actionable Insights
NEVA Discover enables you to improve customer experiences, boost productivity and empower staff to meet their key performance indicators (KPIs) while remaining compliant with company guidelines and industry regulations. It gives you a capability to support continuous improvement in your business as you grow.The solution also empowers your workforce to focus less on drudge work and more on adding value, in turn improving employee engagement. When you implement NEVA Discover, you’ll benefit from quick time to market and a modest investment in time and software, but you’ll also set the stage for massive and continuous business gains based on real business insights over the longer term.Interested in boosting your business process performance? Get in touch to find out how to run a free, two-week proof-of-concept with NEVA Discover.
There are thousands of inefficiencies across your business, ranging from process bottlenecks, execution gaps and error-prone manual tasks to systems latency and overreliance on the knowledge base. Yet identifying each of them and knowing which to focus on first in process automation and optimization efforts isn’t easy without access to the right data and insights.Enter NEVA Discover, NICE’s artificial intelligence (AI) powered desktop analytics and task mining solution. With NEVA Discover, you can get visibility into how your employees are executing tasks and processes on their desktops, enabling you to uncover inefficiencies. This, in turn, equips you to improve your processes by streamlining execution, focusing on quality of service, or addressing gaps in training.How does NEVA Discover work? NEVA Discover supports continuous process improvement with a scientific approach to uncovering and optimizing inefficient processes. The solution runs quietly in the background as your employees work, gathering detailed information about each click of a mouse, every key stroke, all the copying and pasting, that a process worker executes in their day to day duties.By gathering this data about the thousands of small actions your people carry out in their work each day, the unsupervised AI engine discovers repeated tasks, usage patterns and bottlenecks. It’s intelligent enough to recognize variants of the same process when it is done in different ways by different people. NEVA Discover complies with data privacy regulations as it collects this data. From the data it gathers, NEVA Discover gives you insight into where the productivity gaps and inefficiencies are; how well business applications support productivity; and average handling times. It also highlights potential best practices. This approach enables you to create optimization cases based on unbiased data about how your people, processes and systems interact in the real world.A scientific approach to optimization The objective and actionable insights from NEVA Discover empower business analysts to recommend where the company should optimize processes, where process automation may make more sense, and where employees could be better supported with training and coaching that helps them to achieve their key performance indicators.The built-in AI also helps you prioritize processes for optimization by parameters such as frequency, process handle time, importance, proneness to error, complexity, variance and manual action types. This enables your business to focus on the optimizations that maximize bottom-line impact and ROI.The unsupervised machine learning engine can translate screen events into meaningful sequences that can be clustered and labeled as employee actions with the potential to be automated. With our Click To Automate feature, it is quick and easy to transform these recommended sequences into live automations.Getting ROI from continuous improvement